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Kepemimpinan Muda IMSA


Home / Kelas Studi Islam  / Halaqah / Pendaftaran YIL


Anas bin Malik [ra dengan dia] meriwayatkan bahwa Rasulullah berkata: "Jika Anda melewati taman-taman surga, mereka berpesta." Mereka bertanya: “Dan apakah taman-taman surga itu?” Dia berkata: "Lingkaran zikir."

Jami` At-Tirmidzi 3510

Student Information


Student's phone number/whatsapp number for the student who already owns it.


PS : Admin will send consent form to the student to ensure that the student agrees to join the YIL Program. If the student does not reply within a week after Admin sends the consent form, then the seat will go to the next on the waitlist.

If the student does not have a phone number, please ignore this part.

(Younger students in the elementary level are less likely to have a phone number, inshaaAllah their parents can ensure the child can join the weekly halaqa without any difficulty).

Parents Information


Jazaakumullaah khayran telah mendaftar di program kami. Sampai jumpa di kelas insyaAllah!

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