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Welcome to the official site of Indonesian Muslim Society in America (IMSA), a religious, charitable, scientific, literary, educational, and not-for-profit organization; without any affiliation to other NGOs, political, or non-profit organizations. Read more

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RadioIMSA Channel
Kajian Tafsir  IMSA | QS Yasin 33-40: Kenikmatan Kenikmatan Allah
Kajian Tafsir  IMSA | QS Yasin 33-40: Kenikmatan Kenikmatan Allah
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Kajian Tafsir  IMSA | QS Yasin 26-32: Adzab Allah Bagi Para Durjana
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IMSIS Writing Club | Menulis Buku Non-Fiksi: Tips Dari Profesional Untuk Pemula | Kartini F. Astuti
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Prokrastinasi Dari Perspektif Al Quran
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“Those who in charity spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” 

Al Baqarah: 274.

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